Thursday, March 14, 2013

Red cabbage pizza by Marta.




15 minutes


Pizza dough

2 table spoon of olive oil

21\2 of all-purpose flour

3\4 cup skim milk

1 tea spoon salad

1\2 tea spoon black pepper

3 cups sliced red cabbage

1\2 thinly sliced red bell pepper

3 table spoons cilantro

2 chopped jalapenos

1\4  cup goal chese crumbles


Preheat oven to 425F.Roll out pizza dough.Heat oil in a small heavy soucepan over low-medium heat. Add flowr and cook until it changes into a light brown color (about 1-2 minutes) Slowly add the milk to soucepan, stirring constantly. Continue cooking slowly until it is smoth and thick, (7-8 minutes) Add salt and pepper. Remove from heat. Mixt in cabbage, bell pepper, cilantro and jalapenos. Evenly spredd the cabbage mixture onto pizza. Top with chesse. Bake until chesse and crust begin to brown.                          

              LIKE THAT!!!!